Mustafa Ağa; The Real Turkish Hero of 1915


Mustafa Ağa (Azizoglu) was district governor of Malatya, a transit point on the deportation route. Although he was unable to prevent the deportations, he managed to hide several Armenians in his own home. He was murdered by his own son, a zealous member of the Ittihat Terakki Party, for ‘looking after infidels (gavours)’.

Other government officials who defied the deportation orders included

Celal Bey, Mayor of Konya,

Faik Ali Ozansoy, Governor of Kutahya,

Mehmet Cemal Bey, Governor of Yozgat,

Hasan Mazhar Bey, Mayor of Ankara,

Resit Pasa, Mayor of Kastamonu,

Huseyin Nesimi Bey, Governor of Lice

Sabit bey, Deputy Governor of Lice

Mustafa Aga Azizoglu, Mayor of Malatya

Tahsin Bey, Mayor of Erzurum

These officials were eventually removed from their posts and replaced by more obedient civil servants, who completed the task of eliminating the Armenians from these locations.

By Raffi Bedrosyan

Map – Houshamadyan