Sergei Mikoyan sees new opportunities for Armenians to claim Karabakh – 1987


Historian and journalist Sergei Mikoyan on Karabagh and Soviet Armenia

“Sergei Mikoyan sees new opportunities for Armenians to claim Karabagh”


Asked about renewed attempts by Armenians living in Armenia demanding the return of Nakhichevan, Mr. Mikoyan said that it would be more realistic to ask for the return of Karabagh, where there still live hundreds of thousands of Armenians, while due to certain factors only a few thousand Armenians presently reside in Nakhichevan. He went on to say that the Armenian community in Moscow is very active especially now that the glasnost (openness) has given a new impetus and opportunity to the Armenians to present their case to the general public. He commented that pollution in Yerevan had reached intolerable levels, and that Communist Party First Secretary, Karen Demirchyan, was seen in Moscow as responsible for this state of affairs. Mr. Mikoyan is a member of the U.S.S.R. Academy Sciences, with a doctorate in history. He is editor of the Academy’s Latin America scientific magazine.

[The Armenian Mirror-Spectator, October 24, 1987]

The Karabagh File, Documents and Facts, 1918-1988, First Edition, Cambridge Toronto 1988, by the ZORYAN INSTITUTE, edited by: Gerard J. LIBARIDIAN, p. 69.