[28 September 1918]
Confidential report to Yerevan from Armenian envoy to Georgia on Azerbaijan’s occupation of Shushi
Diary of the Armenian Mission No. 7
Tbilisi, 28 September 1918
Mr. Jamalian has met Von Kress regarding the coming events in Karabagh.
The Azerbaijani government has sent troops to Shushi to conquer Karabagh. The secret information available to us shows that the troops have orders from the government to turn everything upside down. The question of a trip by our delegations to Shushi is not yet resolved.
Thus Azerbaijan does not agree with our viewpoint, which is to wait until the completion of the Constantinople Conference. Mr. Jamalian brought to the attention of the conference and of Von Kress that the people of Karabagh being militant, clashes between Armenians and Turks will expand throughout the country in response to the Turkish depredations, which may еngulf the whole of Karabagh.
Von Kress has stated that it is difficult to enter into any negotiations with Nuri Pasha, due to strains in their relationsips. He fears that his mediation will only speed up the events, such as occurred with regards to the Baku affair…
Mission Advisor Mik. Tumanian
[Republic of Armenia Archives, File No. 65]
The Karabagh File, Documents and Facts, 1918-1988, First Edition, Cambridge Toronto 1988, by the ZORYAN INSTITUTE, edited by: Gerard J. LIBARIDIAN, p. 9