Sultanov as governor-general of Shushi, Zangezur, Jebrail, and Jevanshir – 15 January 1919


[15 January 1919]

In January 1919, Colonel D. I. Shuttleworth of the British Command issued the following circular, which drew violent protest from the people of Karabagh and the government of Armenia.

The English Command declares to the entire population of the counties of Shushi, Zangezur, Jebrail, and Jevanshir that:

  1. the government of Azerbaijan, by its decision of January 15, 1919, has appointed Dr. Sultanov as governor-general. He enjoys the cooperation of the English command;
  2. in conformity with existing laws, a six man council of capable Armenians and Muslims is to be found in the governor-generalship to minister to the needs of the entire population;
  3. an officer of the English Mission may join the council as the representative of the English Command;
  4. the Azerbaijani treasury will be responsible for the salaries of officials and for all other expenses in the governor-generalship;
  5. the final solution to all disputed questions will emanate from the [Paris] Peace Conference;
  6. the English Mission will be informed in advance about all military movements within the boundaries of the governor-generalship;
  7. with the communiqué the English Command wishes to emphasize that in order for the Governor-General to fulfill the obligations placed on him, including preservation of law and order in the governor-generalship, all regulations and directives issued by the Governor-General and his bureaus must be enacted without opposition, and the English Command lends its full support to all legally adopted measures.

[Republic of Armenia Archives, File No. 9]

The Karabagh File, Documents and Facts, 1918-1988, First Edition, Cambridge Toronto 1988, by the ZORYAN INSTITUTE, edited by: Gerard J. LIBARIDIAN, p. 10

Image – Armenian Seminary in Shushi